Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hello!!! Pheewww...This blog is so dusty, thanks to me for not updating it for months.
Okay, from now onwards I'll try to update my bloggie regularly but with slight changes. Instead of long boring speeches,article, etc. I'm gonna include more photos and less words. Credit to my mate, Muzammil Hasnuden for his up-to-date blog, filled with lots and lots of photos. As pictures tell thousands words. I hope you guys will enjoy my new style. And for this post, I'm gonna start with the recent swimming gala that took place in my school a few days ago. ENJOY!!! :)

KTJ 2012 Swimming Gala

IMRAN's swimmer-cum-my roomie : Donovan



at the pool with unwavering support to IMRAN HOUSE

the swimmers waiting for their events 


 Aiden(hat) and Aziz(shades)

One random Korean sitting besides me :) 


 Mr Catto, IMRAN Housemaster

 On your mark, get set.....



 Waiting for the whistle...

 Off the platform, into the pool guys!!

 Principal with his adorable daughter

awesome IMRAN's peeps 

 Under the pink tent, but it's a boy's house!

He believes he can fly 


Tired faces of the winners 

Patiently waiting

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