Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hong Kong vs Malaysia ( Part 2 )

Hey!!! Let's continue with the 2nd part of HK-MAS thingy.
In the 1st part, I talked about cleanliness

Ok, in this part I want to share about transport system, particularly, PLATE NUMBERS OF VEHICLES.

As all of us know, Malaysians' car plate number consist of black colored plate and white number/alphabet.
Not enough with that, they come in many different designs and styles to suite to people's preferences and taste.

Some are very clear and vivid, can be seen from a distant while others can be small and need extra focus if one wants to read it. That is the result of leniency of the RTD and the Police Force, I reckon.

How about in Hong Kong? For front part of the car, the plate is white in color and the number/alphabet are black. Whereas the rear part, it comes with again black number but yellow plate. WOW. So obvious, even a far-sighted can recognize even though it may appears a bit blurry to them. And, another thing is, the plate is standardized for all type of mobile. No matter whether you drive a compact car or a luxury sport, a bus or a van, your plate are white in front and yellow at the back with big black numbers!! :) So civilized!! Ahakz..

Plate in HK

A lot of things can be learnt from that case alone. 
I believe we can think on our own what are the advantages and benefits of having this system(Hong Kong plate number) in Malaysia.

to be continued....

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