Monday, May 30, 2011

PNB Scholarship Test 2011

In life, we are advised to be a type of person who benefits others.
To be one, I am here in this post, to share with my friends and my juniors about PNB Critical Reasoning Test Battery(CRTB) 2011.
About 300-350 applicants nationwide are shortlisted to sit for the test. How much will be granted the scholarship? I can't tell you coz I don't know. hehe. The recipient of PNB Overseas Scholarhship Award will be doing A-Levels at Kolej Yayasan UEM, Lembah Beringin before pursuing a degree course at top-notch universities in the USA, UK and AUSTRALIA. I am not sure whether Aussie is included.
Attire :
Boys - Shirt+slack+leather shoes+necktie (don't need blazer coz it is a test, not an interview)
Girls - Baju Kurung+shoes (sandals and slippers are not recommended)

The test was divided into three parts.

1 - Verbal Evaluation
2 - Interpreting Data
3 - Diagrammatic Series

The applicants are given 30 questions. All questions have to be answered within 20 minutes time.
In this part, there are a few passages. The length of each passage is about 5-7 lines. Each passage comes with 2-4 statements. Applicants have to determine whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE or CANNOT DETERMINE without further infos.

From my opinion, the level of English for the passages is quite high.
There were some sentences that I completely didn't understand. (well, my English level is not very good) Stupid of me. But, I gave my best. Do it hard or go home. :)

In this part, there were 18 questions only. The time given is 20 minutes.
It involves some simple maths calculation. There are tables, charts, graph, etc.
Most of the questions ask us to calculate the turnover profit, sales difference, capital, percentage and lots more.

As for me, this part was better compared to the first part because I love numbers :).
I managed to answer almost all questions properly and there were two or three wild guesses. :-P

And lastly, the third part comprising 40 questions. Again, 20 minutes is given to answer all questions.
If you have attempted any IQ test question that contain sequence of pictures, I am sure you can do well in this part of the test. It is exactly the same. 1 until 40, sequences of pictures.

Hurm, I enjoyed the most in this part. Although it was very tensed at that moment because, can you imagine answering 40 questions in 20 minutes?? That is half a minute for each question. MY GOD!!

In conclusion, the test was quite difficult. Basically, they want to test whether you can do a job quick and do a job while you are under pressure. (Is my sentence correct?? LOL)
My advice, work fast but relax. No time to think twice. Just follow your thought, and follow your instinct.
You ain't got much time to go through your answers. All the best.
I don't put much hope of getting a phone call asking me to attend the next part of the evaluation process.
If it is my "rezeki" , ALHAMDULILLAH. Do pray for me. :D
Thanks for reading. :)

P/s : who pass the test and get the chance to proceed to the next level, one thing from me, TABIK SPRINNGG!!

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